i thought this was entertaining: how to dress like a mac/pc. go mac's and justin long! except everyone at my work dresses like a pc. i'm even on a pc right now, such a sad-bear.
ok, i know i'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to apple but i thought i should inform you that they have announced a media event, september 9 in which they are expected to release new iPod nanos and a new iPod Touch. so be sure to tune in! so exciting :) my bro says i'm brainwashed. they did employ me for 2 years so sure, maybe a little. apple rules!

oh, and there's this poll at just creative design to see what people use for their design: mac or pc. it's interesting so far, pretty split down the middle. vote! (for mac cause they're the best!) brainwashed? no way.
Thanks for linking to my blog!