i had to post cause i'm just SO EXCITED! i've wanted to be a part of the felt club ever since i attended back in, like '06 i think. so a couple weeks ago, i applied to be a vendor at the felt club, but a couple days ago, i read on their blog that they had over 400 vendors apply! ok, i seriously didn't think i'd get accepted.
but just got the email, and i got in! the event is november 17. i better start preparing! hm, too bad i'll be in china for like, 2 weeks in october! well, i'll just have to pull everything together by then. considering i missed 2 weeks of my last quarter in college and still pulled off the portfolio show, i think i'll be ok.
thank you felt club.
will you come out and support? mark it on your calendar's!
or join me at my booth and sell some goodness if you want ;)
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