♥ encouragment one:

February 14, 2009

so for today, i'm running 3 different posts for all the ones in love, the anti, and the needing encouragement friends. i've been reading some friend's blogs lately about how life has been hard, they've lost a love one or whatever so today can't be the best reminder for them. for some, it may be the once a year in-your-face reminder that you're single.

so the posts are in the following order: encourage, love, + anti. i hope it brings you a little encouragement whatever your situation is today.



images found via weheartit.com, loveology, and le love.

14 hello's:

  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi danni!

    i wanted to make a list of people who inspire me.
    so you're on my people i admire list :)
    thanks for being you.


  3. Danni, you are so thoughtful of others! Happy Valentine's Day to you.

  4. your blog is just amazing! makes me feel good. you must be a great person.

  5. gosh, these are so good :) i'm in love with your site! thanks for making me smile today xo

  6. I love a good dose of encouragement, especially one as lovely as this. happy love day!

  7. i didn't really think i needed encouraging... but this post was absolutely lovely :)

    thank you thank you!

  8. oh, this is a sweet sweet post!

  9. wow just found your blog and i love it!!

  10. beautiful photos, beautiful words! your blog is such an inspiration

  11. i love your site. so, so inspiring.

  12. oh wow i'd LOVE to own those adorably cute blue seraphim earrings! pick me pick me :)

    katie - katiefet@gmail.com!

  13. i know this is an old post, but it just makes me smile.it makes me leave behind any worry i have or anything pesimistic, it makes me dress up and get out in the nature, or just hang out with someone that can enjoy life to the fullest.thanks for being such an inspiration for me, each and every one of your posts brightens up my life.every day.thanks!have a dreamy weekend!...


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni