hope in the darkness:

January 15, 2010

images from TinaCrespo.
she is donating 50% of all prints purchased to red cross for haiti.

it is so amazing with our to see so much aid to haiti with all our technology today. through twitter, facebook, and texting: people are raising money worldwide for relief. as the world gathers together to support haiti, our blog community is also doing what they can. here are a few links and articles i've come across worth passing along.

a different kind of giveaway: a lovely blog, the pioneer women, is giving away (2) $500 donations to an organization of the winner's choice. every comment left she will donate .10 cents.

bloggers showing support for haiti: a great list of shops and bloggers helping compiled from lovely clusters.

shop list in support: buy + support haiti. via sfgirlbybay.

reject apathy: a list of reputable organizations you can support.

google's crisis response page: a simple way to donate to unicef or care through google.

some of us may not be able to give due to life circumstances. if you aren't at a place to give financially, you can simply comment on this post. for every comment posted: i will donate $1 dollar on behalf of readers of oh, hello friend.

the organization i've chosen is world vision, they provide aid worldwide and i've sponsored a child through them for many years. "World Vision plans to begin assessing damage and preparing a relief response today after the major earthquake that hit Haiti Tuesday. Their team has worked in Haiti for 30 years and has some 370 staff members in the country."

you don't have to comment anything big at all.. comment a prayer, your thoughts, an inspirational story you've seen, an organization you support, whatever you'd like: simply comment to show support for haiti. comments will close a week from today, on january 22nd. please spread the word!

have a lovely weekend dear friends. xo.

193 hello's:

  1. Hi Danni,
    What a lovely thing you are doing! It is so wonderful to see the blogging community coming together to support the Haiti relief efforts. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Melinda xo

  2. Danni, this is awesome! You're really an inspiring individual :)

  3. How can I not comment after such a generous offer? Thank you, Danni.

  4. wow! that's s generous! thank you!!

  5. This is a great idea. Thank you for doing this. God bless!

  6. danni - you are an angel!

    all in haiti are in my contant prayers - i haven't stopped.

    thank you for what YOU are doing -
    catherine s.

  7. You are lovely.

    Praying for the victims and their families.


  8. hi danni!

    here's my little comment. i'm doing something like this on my blog too! here's to hoping we can make a difference!

  9. This is such a wonderful thing you're doing. Thanks!

  10. Thank you for donating on my behalf.
    And thank you for all this information. I love how the blogging community is coming together for this.

  11. Danni, you are remarkable. What a big heart you have! When terrible things happen in this world, it's amazing to see how people come together.

  12. you're the best danni.
    i hope you get a jazillion comments.

  13. You're an angel, Danni <3
    Thanks for doing this.

  14. World Vision is such a great organization! They just held a big walk through experience about AIDs in Africa, and it was powerful. What a lovely idea! Thank you for your kind heart in this devastation.

  15. every 50 cents counts. praying for haiti - for relief, faith, and comfort for the people there. thanks for doing this, danni! it's so encouraging to see support in a sometimes very discouraging world.

  16. Praying.
    www.ChildrensHungerFund.org is a great website helping Haitian families

  17. Wow, Danni, this is great. Thank you for your generosity. My thoughts and prayers are with those in need in Haiti now.

  18. My duas are with all in Haiti. Thank you for donating on my behalf, your truly lovely :)

  19. I love this post. You're such an inspiration with a huge heart. My thoughts are with the people of Haiti.

  20. What a generous act ... thank you.

  21. that's great! thank you.

  22. That's so wonderful and generous of you!
    Thank you for the links as well.

  23. thank you. so so many prayers going out.

  24. Hi Danni,
    What a great idea =) Thank you!!

    I also wanted to say that I stumbled upon your blog and it is absolutely lovely! I always enjoy finding really nice, put together blogs- because I am a designer myself =) Keep up the beautiful work!!

  25. i love your beautiful blog, and i'm totally impressed with the generous and thoughtful person behind it.

    it's wonderful to see people coming together in the wake of this tragedy. i'm so grateful be comfortable, safe, and protected.

  26. You have such a beautiful and loving heart. Jesus will absolutely use that. I'm praying with you for the people of Haiti.

  27. Praying that God will heal those in Haiti and touch hearts worldwide through this tragedy.

    Thanks Danni ;)

  28. It is so wonderful to see how many individuals and organizations come through for the support of those who have been tragically affected. Thank you to all who are doing all that they can.

  29. i lurve you. and so do the children in haiti.

  30. you're amazing Danni.. Thank you..

  31. I have a hard time even knowing how to pray for something of this magnitude. But I am praying. God alone can heal all of that hurt.
    this article has me teary-eyed:

    Thanks Danni.

  32. What a thoughtful thing you are doing, thank you so much for your generosity!

  33. Stumbled upon your blog recently... love your stuff. What a great offer! Best of luck!

  34. Comment comment comment! What a fabulous idea . . . THANK YOU :)

  35. Thank you--my prayers go out to everyone suffering and needing help an hope.

  36. what a great idea danni!

    We have a friend from our church who was there, and is still there .....but we didn't know he was alive and ok until yesterday......so thankful, but now praying he will be able to get out. The government did not let the first plane land today because of people swarming the planes and helicopters as they land....so we are praying he gets out tomorrow at 7 am.....

    praying for all.....

  37. Thinking of everyone in Haiti. This is a great thing you are doing. It's a human responsibility to help those in need. Too often we fail to do so.
    Thank you.

  38. Such a great idea, and a great bunch of links!

  39. Thanks for doing this, Danni. I'll be praying for Haiti.

  40. thank you for caring!

  41. while the world gets plagued with illnesses, and wrecked with natural disasters. there's still hope. which every single one like you Danni, brings to us. :) Thank you.

  42. Happy to comment and support the cause.

  43. Thank you for doing this! Oxfam Canada is also a wonderful organization that I will be supporting, and the Canadian government will be matching donations.

  44. these links were really helpful! I've prayed and contributed to the cause and can't get Haiti off my mind.

  45. thank you, danni!! as an employee of world vision, i can tell you that things have been intense and crazy in the office - but it's people like you who have helped us raise so much money in just a few short days - and you guys are the ones who continue to encourage us and keep us going. the work is just beginning...thanks for showing people in haiti that you care.

  46. Very kind of you to make this gesture. It has been said "to whom much is given, much is required." Thank you for setting an example of living words into action.

  47. Thank you, Danni, for your compassion and generosity.

  48. haiti is definitely in my thoughts and prayers!

  49. congrats on spreading the word for people to remember those who are less fortunate

  50. May God be with the people in Haiti.
    Let them feel He is there for them.


  51. You are being a blessing. Thank you.

  52. My heart aches for all of those suffering in Haiti, as well as those who are suffering everywhere in the world. I hope that everyone in need can get the help they deserve. Thank you so much for donating in such a generous way.

  53. you are so generous,
    god bless.

  54. What you're doing is wonderful. Thank you.

  55. i'm going to check out the links, thanks for your generosity Danni!

  56. Youre an inspiration.
    You and Haiti's both are in my prayers.

  57. thank you, thank you, thank you! world vision is an awesome organization! they're one of the orgs i donate 1/2 my photography proceeds to. bless you!

  58. This is very kind of you, thanks so much for the oppertunity to help xox

  59. What a lovely thing to do! Thank you for doing this.

  60. I've been thinking about this for three days, about posting something on my blog, but I can't figure out what is stopping me. I think I am just pondering what to write. I give through World Vision too. I just heard a story on the radio yesterday though that World Concern has been in Haiti for 40 years and theirs is only of the few buildings still standing after the earthquake. I think has something to do with doing God's work.

  61. You are doing a great thing! I just stop in my tracks everytime I see something about Haiti.

    Thanks for being willing to organize a donation.

  62. this is so wonderful of you, danni! i wish i could give more, but i think it's great that you're doing this.

  63. you are amazing danni, and i am so blessed to have you in my life. the recent tradgedy in haiti has really put my latest thoughts into perspective, and it makes me realize things are so much more worse out there in the world.

  64. Thank you for doing this. Out of the 30+ blogs I read, you are the only one who has mentioned it rather than saying "Have a beautiful weekend!" There is a whole country who is having the darkest weekend of their existence. You are doing something with your platform, which is to be commended.

  65. Thanks for your generosity!

  66. Thanks for the ideas of ways to help, and thanks for donating on behalf of your readers.

  67. God bless you and your kind heart!
    I just read about another great project, Crafthope.com, that has set up an Etsy shop where one can donate a craft to be sold with 100% of the profit to go to Doctors without Borders to aid those in Haiti. I did a little post of it on my blog. A great way to give if your finances do not allow you to give monetarily. Thank you for your wonderful blog and for always spreading beauty, love, and kindness!

  68. wow this is fantastic of you. i started a similar donation project (with granny squares) but doubt i'll get nearly as many hits as you!

  69. I'd like to leave a comment in support for haiti. Thank you so much Danni! <3

  70. i think it's wonderful what you are doing. Thank you!

  71. For Haiti! You are loved.
    Thanks for doing this Danni!

  72. what a wonderful idea, truly! it is amazing to see how the blog community-- the social media community-- has come together to support those in desperate need. thank you for being a part of it, and for letting all of us be a part of it too. my thoughts and prayers go out to Haiti.

  73. Thank you so much for giving.

  74. What an amazing thing to do! thank you so much!

  75. how lovely. thank you for this wonderful "giveaway". and for your blog, it makes me smile.

  76. Thank you very much!
    The love you give becomes the only lasting treasure.

  77. Hi Danni,

    thank you for your blog and your support - helping us all feel we can do something to help. xx

  78. beautiful images, i love it :)


  79. thank you for giving me another opportunity to donate...

  80. I'm really glad you chose World Vision; our family really appreciates what they do! (we sponsor through Compassion though)

  81. thanks for it, in Spain we are giving a lot of money and sending a lot of people to help, i hope they can be fine soon..

  82. hi danni-

    this is a wonderful thing you are doing! as i explained to my children what was going on in haiti and saw the fear in their eyes, i thought about how horrible it would be to see that fear every day.

  83. i love that you are doing this. my husband has been to haiti many times doing missions work--and it just breaks our heart to see what the children and adults of haiti are enduring. the nation has already been so beaten and battered...it is almost unthinkable what life there must be like right now. :(

    tiny twig

  84. Bless you, Danni.

  85. new to your blog. Thank you for helping. We're all feeling helpless.

  86. I can't even begin to imagine the heartache they're facing, and I certainly hope I never have to. My prayers are going their way.

  87. I pray for hope. And peace.

  88. Very generous Danni, Our thoughts are with everyone involved. Sxx

  89. I came across your blog by chance...it is truly wonderful and inspirational! :-) I'm a Graphic Designer too. I've spent hours immersed in your site...you should write a book about your lovely life and your likes and loves! I'd spend hours immersed in that too! x

  90. Thank you, thank you for such a beautiful idea. I'll be sharing your website on m'blog:


  91. Very very cool Danni. I hope you will be blessed. Today I came across 1 John 3:17-18. It must be love, dear friend.

  92. Thank you for your incredible generosity! Oh, and isn't Tina Crespo so talented & generous, too? I love her beautiful photos!

  93. Wow, this is amazing, Danni! Thank you.

  94. i wish i could give more--- <3

  95. such a generous idea.
    Here is 1$.

  96. You are so wonderful for doing you part...thank you :)

  97. Danni,

    You are a truly kind person. I hope this helps many people in Haiti.

    All things nice...

  98. Thank you for having such a heart for Haiti. Your donation is sure to be appreciated. God bless you.

  99. "The righteous is gracious and gives," the Bible says. This is a wonderful thing that you've offered to do!

  100. Sweet and generous offer. Positive thoughts to everyone involved.

  101. Thanks for doing this Danni.

  102. Its in times like these that the true spirit of generosity is shown by humanity.

  103. How wonderful, Danni!

    What a blessing it has been for me to see many bloggers give so much of themselves.

    Please add a dollar for me :)

    Hugs, Susan

  104. What a beautiful initiative. Thank you for doing this and sharing the links!

    A gorgeous baby girl was discovered alive yesterday after 5 days. There are still miracles happening amidst the tragedy.

    God bless~

  105. Thank you for your generosity! :)

  106. "The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." Psalm 9:9

  107. What an absolutely amazing thing you're doing. Financially I am not at a place where I can donate and this honestly brings tears to my eyes to find your blog and know that you're doing this. Seriously you are a wonderful person. Thank you.

  108. What a great thing you're doing! I really like World Vision, my family has been supporting a young Ugandan girl for years now. Great org to pick. Thank you so much for donating to them.
    Have a great day.

  109. Thank you for this opportunity!

    Also, there's great Etsy shop:

    -Help For Haiti From Etsy Shops

    all the best:)

  110. My heart goes out to Haiti!

    ♥Victoria van der Laan

  111. it's so wonderful and amazing that you're doing this, Danni!! I love your heart.

    My thought and prayers have been with all those in Haiti, as well as all those doing what they can to help.

  112. this is a great idea.

    God, I pray that you protect the people of Haiti. May you draw them close to yourself and continue having your hand on them. You love them. Amen.

  113. Thank you for donating! They need all the love and support they can get. It is so *beautiful* to see how the global community is reaching out to help people in need. Reminds me we truly are all brothers and sisters. We need to take care of one another and out planet. : )

  114. how very lovely and inspirational of you.

    god bless.

  115. Hi Danni,
    Thank you so much for this opportunity to help out with the current situation in Haiti.

    Your blog posts are so beautiful, and it inspires me to be a better person.

    Thanks again. Hope you have a wonderful week~

  116. Wow, great idea. I wish you many blessings.


  117. Danni, God bless you for your support of those in Haiti. World Vision is the perfect choice to send the money through! My prayers are with all those in Haiti during this tragedy.

  118. It's amazing the whole internet coming together to help.

    I already support Partners In Health, they do great work in Haiti for many years now.

  119. That is very generous of you! It´s great to see how many people are helping in any way they can.

  120. That's wonderful, Danni. What a gret idea.

  121. thanks for doing this, Danni! everything helps.


  122. This is a great idea :)

  123. It's so great that you are doing this!

    Thank you!

  124. What an inspiring way to make a difference.

    thank you so much!

  125. such a nice thing!

    i'm giving 20% from each sale until the end of january to the canadian red cross.



  126. Awesome and generous! It boggles my mind when I see & hear cynics when it comes to the devastation in Haiti. This is inspiring, thanks Danni... for being human.

  127. This is great! Thank you for doing this, I'm in a financial pinch right now so I can't donate, but at least I can do this. I found this on Twitter and am looking forward to reading more of your blog, it looks like something I'll enjoy. <3

  128. This is a wonderful thing you are doing. Thank you so much!

  129. Thank you so much for this wonderful generous gesture!

  130. you are so sweet to do this.


  131. This is a cool site - glad my sister told me about it!

  132. Thank you so much for doing this.

  133. I have loved seeing the different ways people are helping the people in need. Not everyone can go, but we can all help out in some way.

  134. World Vision is a fantastic organization. Thanks for doing this!

  135. Thanks for your generosity and compassion!

  136. a friend passed this along to me! I am thankful for your willingness to give and also excited to know about your blog now.

  137. This is a great thing, thank you.

  138. My prayers go out to the families that have been separated, the people who are still alive, stuck under a building, or stuck somewhere...I pray they keep holding on! I pray God's love will be poured over the Haitian's, and that He may be glorified! Thank you!

  139. My prayers go out to the families that have been separated, the people who are still alive, stuck under a building, or stuck somewhere...I pray they keep holding on! I pray God's love will be poured over the Haitian's, and that He may be glorified! Thank you!

  140. You are so wonderful for doing this! I would really love to help and the least I can do is spread the word.

  141. Thank you for doing this! It is an encouragement to see people responding to the need in Haiti.

  142. What a a great and wonderful way to spread the generosity and inspire others to do the same. Thank you.


  143. Thank you for doing this!! Half of my family, including my Dad is in Port-au-Price and it has been a nightmare.
    They need all the help they can get.


  144. Thank you for what you're dong

  145. what a fantastic thing you are doing - you are so generous! thank you.

  146. thanks for doing this! it's an amazing thing how the blog-community is finding ways to support the people of haiti.

  147. Thank you for the opportunity to help you help Haitians! I love your little etsy shop and will be favoriting and looking over your pretty little things very soon :O)

    Kellee @ rule42.etsy.com

  148. Hello Danni,

    You are awesome for doing this! This is a great way to help out Haiti!

    <3 Melissa


  149. This is an amazing thing you are doing!!!
    Be Blessed

  150. Wonderful that you are helping a country that needs so much at this time! Inspiring!

  151. Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.

  152. You are wonderful for doing this. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  153. Hello, that's a great generous initiative! It's a pleasure to contribute (also) in this way!

    If you want have a look also here:
    These ladies are raising big money doing what they do best - selling handmade goodies. Clever, isn't it?


  154. Thank you for doing this Danni - hope I'm not commenting too late!

  155. It is wonderful to see all the outpouring of support for Haiti. A friend of mine from college is heading down there with her husband (who is Haitian) to help out through their foundation "Growing Hope for Haiti." It is truly awesome what they have been able to do so far! Their site is http://growinghopeforhaiti.org

  156. What a wonderful thing to do! Thank you for donating on my behalf!

  157. This is such a fantastic thing to do - Thank you.


  158. My thoughts and prayers go out to those in Haiti. Thank you for your generosity!

    Tell me what your grand total is after this week, and I will match it and donate on behalf of oh hello friend.

    love you friend.

  160. This is a very inspiring post. God bless you.

  161. I donated myself. But I just want to you that your doing a very wonderful thing. thank you <3

  162. you made me cry. in a wonderful way.
    thank you for your blog, your caring, and your generosity.

  163. Thanks, Danni, for being generous + setting a great example as well.

  164. Thank you so much for what you are doing to help those in Haiti. Our family of 5 is praying every day for those who are suffering......

  165. such a lovely thing to do xoxo

  166. This is great. Thank you for your generous spirit and your loving actions. May G-d bless Haiti with His incomparable mercies.

  167. i just found you today! you are awesome.

  168. Thanks for taking the time to post about http://www.rejectapathy.com and encouraging your online friends to get involved in serving others who are suffering!


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni