maker faire, 2010:

May 27, 2010

the maker faire was unlike anything nick and i have ever seen. there was a fire breathing dragon, gigantic cupcakes rolling around, and tons more fun/random stuff. we didn't get a lot of time to walk around so here are some of the pics i did get. i totally recommend this event to attend next year. it's so much fun!


maker faire: 3
a car with lego boards all over, people could pick up lego pieces and start building!

maker faire: 1
the apocalypse! pulled by bicycles, lol.

maker faire: 4
the vanity car. it had so many insane things glued on it: bras, mirrors, etc.

maker faire: 6
my favorite section of the whole faire. so creative.

maker faire: 5
huge tunnel made out of cardboard.

remote control r2d2
full functioning remote control r2d2!

maker faire: 2
to bazaar bizarre!
oh, and just a GIGANTIC rocket ship in the background..
you could walk up + into it, so legit ;)

7 hello's:

  1. No that is some bizarre stuff! But always fun to look at! :)

  2. WOW so awesome. I would have gone to that!!!! Thanks for the info.

  3. that looks amazing!

  4. It's amazing the hobbies people have. Very creative. I don't think I'd walk up into that rocket though.

  5. This looks so awesome, I really wish I could have made it up there!!! :(

  6. Looks like my grandchildren and I would love to roam there!

  7. i love r2d2!!! These pictures are so inspiring! thanks for sharing!


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