April 28, 2011

The Handsome - Joseph from Twig & Thistle:

I got to meet Kathleen, from Twig & Thistle at ALT back in 2010 and she is really just one of the sweetest, most down to earth people you could ever know. We have Kathleen's husband, Joseph, here with us today. I love this interview, I think you can really tell how supportive Joseph is with Kathleen's blog. and I'm pretty sure (if I remember correctly) he's a developer and he helped build her blog work and everything. So cute! Enjoy the interview!


Please tell us a little about you and what you do: I'm a Senior Industrial Designer at a product development firm here in Seattle. I enjoy working out, eating sensibly, scrap-booking, candles, and lying about my hobbies.

What are your thoughts about blogs + blogging? I've been blogging on and off for the past 13 year and it's great to see how accessible it has gotten. There is so much variety now, if you have an interest in something there is probably a couple good, deep, blogs on the topic. I read about 150 different blogs and there surprisingly little overlap between them, that's wonderful.

How did you & your wife meet? A mutual friend had a party and we hung out the whole night, after that I was hooked.

How many hours a day does your wife spend blogging? 2-4 hours a day, 4-8 on weekends if she's working on a DIY. Writing posts used to be take the bulk of the time but now it's things like responding to email, freelance, and Etsy orders that soak up most of the attention. The exception are DIY posts, those are a huge time sink, I bet they average 20-40 hours between coming up with the idea, designing, testing, shopping, shooting/editing photos, and writing the tutorial. It's crazy just how much work goes into them.

What do you do during this time? Cooking, cleaning, freelance, Etsy orders, IT, helping with the posts, shooting photos, I feel guilty just kicking back if Kathleen is working.

Any silly/crazy/funny/cool stories or experiences related to blogging you'd like to share with the readers: When she started Twig & Thistle two years ago, I couldn't pay Kathleen to use Twitter. I mean she HATED it. I ended up managing the account for a few months before she started to warm up to the idea. Now she's a Twitter machine, I couldn't stop her even if I tried.

Is there any one thing that annoys you most about having a blogger wife? Well! If I have to pick just one, I'd have to say it's the 11:30pm "Can you edit the post?". If you ever see a typo on T&T is probably because I was half asleep trying to spell check on my phone so I wouldn't have to get out of bed.

Thanks for the interview Joseph! Please show our men some love & support by leaving some comments ;) PS: If you have a request or there's someone you'd love to see up here on the handsome, leave a comment and let me know!


  1. Ha, this interview is ADORABLE!! :) I love Kathleen too (such a sweetheart), and it's clear her husband is too! I love that he helps out and that he's a blogger too - that way, he's totally a part of the world and understands! :) So cute!

  2. hehehe soo cute! i LOVE reading these... i really need to start making marvin read them so he knows he isn't alone! ;) i love that he is her copy editor, marvin used to do it for me too but i stopped asking him b/c it was super late when i was writing posts. although, he said that recently he has seen typos on my blog... so maybe i need to get him to edit once again haha!!

  3. This was a great interview! :) Great to meet you, Joseph. Kathleen is lucky to have such a supportive and helpful husband like you!

    Haha, I kind of know how Joseph feels. All my friends ask me to edit their work. In fact, the other night I helped a friend out with editing really important documents. Well past midnight. D:



  4. LOVED this one! Love Kathleen's blog too so that is super cute to feature her hubby - they are precious:)

    PS - love the midnight proofing...my husband would say the same thing...


  5. So incredibly sweet! My husband needs to read all these because he knows EXACTLY how they feel. The midnight edit, the "what picture do you like better?" question, and all those wonderful frustrating times when the internet is too slow and why can't blogger load faster? Love this series!

  6. This interview is extremely adorable. I enjoyed reading it so much.

  7. Love this new addition to the blog Danni! Its nice to see everything from the guys point of view, its easy to forget that blogging can effect everyone!

    Super cute, I love Twig and Thistle!

  8. What a very romantic story! Great interview!

    Homeowner Insurance

  9. I wonder if he has a brother...

  10. Ha, he sounds like a perfect blogger husband. I love that he mentioned how much goes into the DIY shoots - it makes me feel less crazy that I spend days drawing DiY sketches and doing trials before the actual shoot. I also love that he edits her posts - isn't that what our husbands are for? ;) Great post!

  11. Ditto what Laura said above. He really does sound like the perfect blogger husband. It's very clear in the interview that he is super supportive of his wife and loves her dearly. And their photos are absolutely adorable!

  12. I just discovered your blog and must tell you how visually lovely your blog is. I'll be enjoying it often.

  13. A nice blog about this couple - they have the stuff that makes for a long and happy marriage!

  14. i love this post. it's always fun hearing a husbands response. my poor husband has to put up with me blogging in to the late hours of the night. poor guy.


  15. I really enjoy The Handsome series. I thought is comment about lying about his hobbies was great! What a cute couple! Thanks for a fun read!

  16. Love Twig and Thistle--and love reading about the supportive men behind these creative women!

    PS. How about Mike behind Marie-Eve of Lake Jane (.com)?!

  17. Aww...these two are too cute. Love them!

  18. Wonderful interview. I am wondering do guys have to have more than one computer in the house? Or how do you manage to make just the one work?

  19. Oh my goodness...I was laughing out loud reading his answers. Love that he's so "involved" :)

  20. wow! this is my first time on your blog and I LOVE the handsome articles. They are so adorable. When one part of the couple blogs, it certainly becomes an element to the relationship that can be either positive or negative or both. I love what you are discovering. thanks for sharing!

  21. I was just reminded today of your The Handsome series and thought how much I would love to hear what the 'men behind the women' think about blogging. Do they feel comfortable with their wives' work? Some of them help out, but have they always felt so supportive of what many consider an odd career path?

    As always, loving the wonderful men you feature!


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni