April 22, 2011

He Has Risen:

( image from David Sunnock )

A little late but wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter! We celebrated my Grandma's 85th birthday yesterday with relatives and have been enjoying spending time with my mom today. Thanks for your comments and thoughts on Friday's post. I cannot thank you enough for your support and encouragement. Today was a day of truth, grace, and victory. Death could not hold him, Jesus is Risen! Hope it has been a wonderful weekend for you, dearest friends.


  1. He has risen indeed!
    Glad you had great weekend. Wow! 85 years. She must be great :)

  2. love this! Alleluia He has risen!! Happy Easter! =D

    85 is a great age! happy birthday to her!

  3. I really love this! I hope you had a wonderful Easter as well. xx

  4. I love everything about this image, especially the message behind it. I admire you for sharing your faith so openly, Danni. It's really encouraging!

  5. Happy Easter, Danni. And a very happy birthday to your grandmother.

    I really love that you're willing to openly share your faith on your blog. I think that's so important in today's world.

  6. I love this! So thankful that He conquered death, so that we can know Him! Thanks for posting this :)

  7. Happy Happy Resurrection Day!! I think Easter is far more beautiful of a holiday than Christmas!!

  8. so encouraged & blessed by you sharing your faith! congrats to your grandma's 85th! :) He is risen indeed.

  9. He is risen indeed! just as he said. :) love the image!

  10. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!!!!

  11. YES, He is risen indeed!
    thank you for the images!

  12. Danni,
    Its so wonderful to see another blogger not ashamed to proclaim the joy of the Risen Lord!
    Thanks for sharing your faith to us!

  13. Beautiful! He is risen indeed!

  14. Love this design and of course, this message! :)

  15. I know I'm late but...I'm very grateful and have purpose because He is risen!!!

  16. Besides loving your precious style- I just love the warmth and joy you radiate in your writing that, so obviously reflects your love for the Lord.


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni