May 17, 2011

Craft show / Unique LA:

Finally, I was able to edit my pictures from Unique LA and now I can share my space with you! :) Like I said, we rented furniture from Found Rentals - it was the best. I felt really unsure of how it would turn out because Jeni & I just picked some random pieces and I wasn't even sure if it would fit in together. But I think it worked out and I felt really proud of the space Nick & I created in a 10x10 booth. Okay, on with the pictures!

My husband is a cutie-pie.

Jeni had done a wedding shoot & made the gorgeous
lampshade & ruffle flowers. She's an amazing diy-er ;)

Got some awesome custom shape wood signs made by the nicest guy around Roberto Sand - I highly recommend his shop! His work is so so so quality and did I mention he's such a nice guy? Check out his shop and tell him oh, hello friend sent you ;)

Elisha, A sweet friend I met down in San Diego stopped by with her lovely mom and they snapped some photos of customers. I've never really been able to get out and take pictures while there are people shopping, and it was a fun new perspective to see. Thanks Elisha! Be sure to stop by her blog!

My mom stopped by on Saturday and I am loving her hair! It has been growing back since her chemo over 6 months ago. I want to cut mine like that now! One of my dear friend's Jessica drove all the way up from San Diego with her friend, Victoria. AND Nick spotted a celeb! One of the twins from Desperate Housewives. I'm not sure which twin it was. (On their IMDB, one was born on July 31st & the other on August 1st, crazy!) But he was sooo nice!

Jess is so cute, she gave Nicholas a 'tip' for being such a
good husband and helping at my show.

Love keys!

Rubber stamp packs, key necklaces, vintage photo holders, magnets - I think my line is expanding away from jewelry. I really enjoy doing all sorts of things, I can't focus on just one thing.

So that's it! It was about 4 hours to set up & 3+ hours to tear down. But it was all worth it! My booth actually won the BEST BOOTH DESIGN contest that Unique LA has for all vendors. I couldn't believe it, I had some tough competition.

Well, only 6 more shows to go! Then we're free in June! I love shows and meeting people & getting my brand out there, but I can't wait for the day I can set up a space & not have to take it down (I mean opening my own store, hopefully soon!) Have a lovely day friends!


  1. I feel like I know you just by looking through each little bit of your set up! It would take me a day just to look at every little detail you created - so so darling! I love your hot air balloon sign - so you:) I would have left with a bunch of your goodies, especially one of your "matching sets" and the set with the pretty tape behind the matching sets! Congrats!

  2. wow this is a great place!
    I wish I was there!!!

  3. You're booth design and layout is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing all your photos:)

  4. Congrats on the booth award! I love the vintage touches and especially the wooden signs that Roberto Sand made for you. Any thoughts on making it out to the midwest? :)

  5. So proud of you, Dani! Your space looks fantastic, no wonder you won. I really wish I could have seen you in action. Please let me know the next time you'll be in San Diego (I don't always get to check your blog, but if you think of it, send me an email and I'll be sure to come).

    Oh, and of all the great stuff, I was most impressed with how long Nick's hair has grown! Next thing you know, he'll be dressing like those burly sailor-men in the "Maiden Voyage" photo in the previous post! It's a good look for him. Jon would be proud.

  6. How fantastic - your boost looks absolutely amazing! The wooden signs are simply lovely!

  7. these images are stunning!!! you totally need to open up shop!!

  8. What a beautiful and imaginative set-up! Great work!

  9. Truly beautiful! Your shop will be so much fun!

  10. wow Dani! your booth looked so beautiful!!! you did such an amazing job on it!
    miss you! ^,^

  11. Danni, it looks just increbile! You did a fantastic job styling your booth. I really do wish I could have driven up that weekend. I hate when schoolwork keeps me away.

  12. i didn't know you have masking tapes as well! that with nicks tip is sooo funny, love it! pleaaaase try to make a fair in august too, i am coming to LA!!!! ;D love sissi

  13. your booth is pretty! no wonder you won the award. :-) i hope to visit your booth one of these days, danni.

  14. You're booth looks amazing! I love how welcoming it is. I wish I could have been there.

  15. your shop is to-die-for cute. :)

  16. These are such great photos, Danni!! :) I'm sooo happy for you that you won the best booth - you totally deserved it! :) I wish I could have spent more time just hanging out at your booth - it was such a cool space!

    PS. It's raining today :) Yay!

  17. Really cute booth design!

  18. Danni! LOVED your booth - I'm not surprised at all that you won! I've known Oh, Hello Friend since you visited us on the UCI campus years ago, and it's been so cool to see how much you've grown since. :) Totally gives me inspiration to start up my invitation/stationery business. When you do open up your shop, I'll definitely be visiting regularly! :) :) :)

  19. oh my goodness! that booth looks beautiful. i'm so glad to find such a great inspiration here since i'm having my first show at the beginning of june and i'm so struggling with a design of the stand (yeah it's only 2 x 1 meter). thank you for the inspiration. THANK YOU

  20. Love your line and love your booth! So cute :)

  21. Your booth is gorgeous! So charming! Hurry up and open your own brick-and-mortar store already!!!!

  22. Looks amazing! What a way to create a shopper experience!

  23. Of course your booth was sooo gorgeous! Great work!!! We're hosting our first vintage and handmade market in our hometown at the end of the month (The Old School Market) and can definitely believe that it took you that long for set up and take down. We had a practice run for our own shop display Sunday and it took us over 6 hours...good thing we started early! Our style is very similar to yours, lots of rustic crates and vintage suitcase and I can't wait to see your future shop space, hopefully someday soon :)

  24. Hi Danni!
    Your booth is amazing! I wish I was able to see this time maybe.

  25. The Oh, Hello Friend booth was by FAR the BEST booth at Unique. It was so well put together. Every inch of it was beautiful. Well done!

  26. You did a wonderful job!! Looks like it would have been a great space to get away for a while and delve into all your cool products! :-D

  27. Your booth is totally awesome! And I love your entire shop - keep expanding girl. You rock it all :)

  28. Awesome job!! Congrats!! You rock!!

  29. Danni... :)

    And hugeeee congratulations on your award! I definitely enjoyed being there.

  30. Your booth is UNBELIEVABLE! So warm, inviting and cute. You do amazing work...I don't know how you find time to do it all. Way to go girlie!

  31. Oooh, that looks like so much fun! Wish I lived closer so I could have attended! Congrats on winning the best booth design - you deserve it! :)

  32. You're display is amazing! :)

  33. Your booth is absolutely amazing and such an inspiration to me. :) I am hoping to do some craft shows in the fall and this makes me think of them in a whole new light. :)

  34. I LOVE your booth & your designs! :)) I first saw you at the vendor fair at UCSD, and have been reading your blog ever since. I wish I could've stopped by this weekend!

  35. Everything was so pretty!
    Beautiful Space,Beautiful mom and you,Beautiful friends and Cutie Pie husband..woo hoo!! Looks like a lot of fun,thank you for sharing :)

  36. oh i forgot..Roberto's wood creations are beautiful too..i love his Personalized Hand Mirrors a lot!

  37. Your mom is so gorgeous with her short hair! Gorgeous! Love your booth- blows everyone's out of the water!

  38. Your booth looks incredible!

  39. You definitely deserve that recognition for that booth design! WOW! Really lovely set up, and such an inviting, relaxed feeling. Looking at your photos I felt like I could peruse your booth all day long! :) Thanks for sharing that! You have some really wonderful items.

  40. The booth looks really amazing! Such a great way of displaying everything. And your husband looks a bit like John Krasinski in Away We Go.

  41. This display is just absolutely amazing, I love it so much.

  42. your booth looks so amazing! i love all the little details you put into it - the displays, ruffled fabric flowers, your pieces! the hot air balloon sign is fabulous too!

  43. nick and I could be related, haha, his hair looks more red the longer it gets. I loved your booth, and so did Victoria! I was glad I got to bring her along to meet you. I also loved the home decor booth that was behind yours...I see some of the pillows peeking out. It was so good to see you!

  44. your booth was so great! love the style and how it felt like i was in a store and not a show :) great job with everything, especially the wood signs. so great! good luck with the rest of your shows this month.

  45. Your booth looks INCREDIBLE! I am glad you had such a lovely day :)

  46. Danni, your set up looked awesome!!! I would have loved to visit it!!!

  47. CONGRATS DANNI!!! Of course you deserved the best booth award. I'd love to hear how long it takes you and Nick to set up and tear down. And what is this about a store in the future that you won't have to tear down? That sounds like a dream come true!!! I want to visit it...NOW! I'm so thankful you introduced us to Roberto Sand. I've been wandering where you ordered all these awesome wood cutouts including the N+D ones you used for the wedding. Now I just have to decide what I'm going to use him for....maybe just for fun? Any suggestions?

  48. Danni your booth looks fabulous! Congratulations on winning the best booth design, I can definitely see why. I was hoping to come visit the show but didn't end up making it. I am definitely bookmarking found rentals though for my wholesale show this summer.

  49. Your booth was amazing Danni! I can see why you won...congrats!

  50. Seriously, that is some crazy awesome!! Totally inspired Thanks for sharing the pictures :)

  51. this all looks so beautiful! your taste is impeccable. PLEASE set up a brick & mortar shop soon ;)

  52. You did a wonderful job of styling your booth! It's so inviting! :D Good luck with the rest of your shows!

  53. My roommate went and bought a few things from your shop that are sooo cute! I wish I could have made it! Next year!

  54. congratulations on winning. you really had a lovely booth. so much thought went into your display, you could tell! i especially dug your garland. :)

  55. such a beautiful stand! and love the muffin tray, great idea. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

  56. everything looks fantastic together! nice work!!

  57. Everything looks amazing. What a beautiful booth display!

  58. i am not at all surprised you won the best booth award.. it is absolutely amazing!!! you have quite a rocking collection of vintage furniture/accents/knick knacks and i really love the wood carved signs! did you make those?! i want one for my shop!

  59. I'm just in awe of how great your booth looks! Your award was well deserved!


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni