May 27, 2011

happy friday / iphone memories:

Aw, I plugged my phone in and was going through all the photos on my phone, which were pretty random. It was fun though, they're like little snapshots of life.. What I was doing, where I was around that time. I have a terrible memory too so it's nice to have random photos from here and there. Thought I'd share some ;)

1. I can't reach the overhead bins on planes, so I stuffed my bag under my seat. It didn't really fit that well.
2. At ALT summit with my roommates, Melanie & Natalie.
3. Nick's hair is so long, we put it in a mini pony tail!
4. Saw someone with this smashed iPhone, but it still worked! Legit.
5. My friend had a candle and burned her macbook, and it still works!
photos #4+5 just show that apple products are the best! ;)
6. Eating lunch, a little bird came and joined me.

1. My harry potter watch, which I've lost and I'm so sad!
2. Went to some random auction tv show taping and saw Stan Lee!
3. Katherine is so super sweet, she was wearing 6-7 things
that she bought from me at UCI.
4. Saw lady gaga in concert. It was quite strange.

What sort of photo-memories do you have in your phone?

If you're in the area - hope you can stop by our vintage yard sale this Saturday with Found Rentals! Please RSVP at eventbrite.

So this weekend is a very special weekend because it is our last weekend of shows! I sold at about 10 shows during the month of May, it was intense and crazy to say the least. Do you have any memorial day weekend plans?

See you on Monday! xo.


  1. Good Morning,
    What a fun idea for a blog post. I'm off to check my phone photos now!

    Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful holiday weekend. ~Natalie

  2. Heh, I have a friend with a smashed iPhone screen, and it still works too! I think maybe the screens are of poorer/delicate quality...

  3. hello! having an iphone is so convenient, but i'm terrible about downloading the photos. i have everything from cheesy snapshots to photos of paint swatches i love. but it is rather lovely to look back through them and remember, isn't it?

  4. I live thru my iphone photos. I can't even remember what life was like without it.

  5. YAY!! It must be SUCH a relief to be done with all the shows!! Let's finally have our pizza night! And we missed out on lunch these past couple of weeks - let's catch up on them again next week! ;) Have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. You must be worn out after all that! That's why I love iPhone photos too. Hope to meet you at the sale tomorrow! :)

  7. Well, now I just want iPhone. These are some great shots. Love these photos.

  8. You saw Stan Lee!? He is such a class act! My office did a publicity stunt once in which we had various celeb personalities volunteer to read childrens books in a public place and Stan Lee showed up to read "Go Dog Go." (And he read it with FEELING!)

    I became a fan on the spot. :)

  9. I love looking through my hundreds of iPhone photos and remembering those memories! I have to shove my bag under the seats too because I'm so short. And then I have no leg room. :(

  10. OH my gosh those poor Apple devices. The candle one is KILLING me - aaaaah! I would cry so hard. But it still WORKS?? THat's amazing. I guess I'd cry less hard once I realized it still worked.
    I have a new rule of keeping candles 10 feet away from my macbook at all times...starting now.
    I love iPhone memories TOO!! I love doing these posts :)

  11. The candle burned through the Macbook? That's crazy! I guess it's just a testament to how awesome Macbooks are that it's still working. Hope you have a fantastic weekend with your sale, Danni! My friend from San Fran is visiting so I'll be showing her around San Diego!

  12. My macbook has put up with me through four years of college and life and a million moves--that's why I love it!
    And thanks for making me laugh with your description of the Lady Gaga concert! "Quite strange" is the only way I can describe her. I think she's part genius and part...I don't know. Have a lovely weekend!

  13. doncha love finding old photos on your phone that have good memories to look back on:) Sweet to share them too!
    The macbook melt is pretty intense... impressive that it works still!

  14. Amazing timing to capture that guy in number three getting shot in the head!

  15. Eeeek! I have 300+ photos on my phone. Holiday snaps, work snaps, home snaps, shopping snaps. I never seem to be able to get on top of my photo organisation!

    Great idea to share them and their stories!

  16. haha how funny! Indeed, what a random collection of photos!
    My iphone has about 450 random photos (I still have never plugged it into my computer to take them off). There are photos of:
    my puppy dog, some fish that my boyfriend caught that we cooked and it was delicious and a fortune cookie fortune that said "you have a good appetite" (haha!!). Just some randoms :)

  17. i no longer own a cell phone and it feels great, but i do love how a lot of ppl have that vintage effect for their phone camera effect! i wish my camera had that! photo editing can take FOREVER!

    shorty's unite! never been on an airplane, but nobody bothered to help?

    cute blog!!

  18. I had so much fun at your sale on Saturday and love my purchases. Did I forget to get the set of glasses? If they sold, no problem. If not, I still want them!

    hUgS to you and Jenny.


  19. Remember how we went down to the lobby to take that one photo and ended up being down there for like three hours? Remember how tall I look next to you two? Remember how awesome we are? Miss you.


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni