May 20, 2011

happy friday / vintage sale:


Happy Friday friends! So our last sale was so fun & a great success, we're doing another one. Because I'll admit - I have a serious problem with buying things and I had a ton of stuff leftover from the last sale, some stuff I didn't even get to put out for sale!

The sale is next Saturday, May 28th from 9:00-4:00 in fullerton. This time it's with a different friend - Jeni at Found Studios! You'll definitely want to make it to this sale, Jeni buys amazing antiques and furniture for her business & she's moving warehouses so she's cleaning out! If you've seen her site, she has some legit stuff! :)

Please sign up for a 'ticket' - tickets are free of course, we just want to get a general estimate of how many people are coming, so we just need your RSVP! Really hope you can make it!

So anyway, what are your plans for this weekend? This weekend we are double booked for shows, it's going to be intense! Hope you have a beautiful weekend!

ps: the winner for the good cheer deals survey giveaway was internodiciotto! Congrats! Please contact me for your prize! Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey!


  1. Well, since it's literally the next town over from me, guess I'm going to HAVE to come this time! :) See you tomorrow!

  2. Have so much fun! I wish I was in the area. I do love your sign. So you!

  3. How fun, Danni! I wish I lived in your area - or rather, your state haha. Maybe I'll make it to cali one day and actually meet the lady behind the inspirational blog! :)

  4. I wish I lived in the same country so I could come to this!

  5. I am literally so sad I can't go to this!!! I love found's items and have been stalking their site for a long time...

  6. Oh cheese! If only I could be there!!!

  7. I may be actually able to make it up to this one! I'll have a good friend visiting that weekend -- I'll see what she's in the mood to do. Happy Friday, Danni! Hope your weekend is made of sweetness.

  8. How fun! Wish I was on the other coast so I could attend!

  9. love vintage

  10. The same country? I wish I lived in the same continent!

  11. question: is all the stuff your normal price or yard sale price? would love to go! thanks! please let me know asap!:)


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni