
May 9, 2011

(image source:, thanks abby!)

Whew. Yesterday was a hard day. A 3+ hour tear down & packing up after the show, I was really on edge, worn, and tired. Have you ever had one small thing happen to you and you feel like the world is ending? During the show yesterday, I found out that someone I thought was my friend, someone who I've known in the craft world for a couple years now, never really thought of me as a friend at all. I'll admit, I'm a dumb little kid when it comes to things like this. I have some serious acceptance issues and went home and cried about it. They also called/accused me of something pretty harsh which is a little unfair if I don't even know what I did to cause such severe thing to be said. I won't get into details. It just felt like high school all over again. But then I got into a fight with my husband and it was just such a sad day.

Okay, so all that to say: Today is my day! I need to get out of this funk. Pray. Do some cleaning. Do some relationship mending with my husband, who is nothing but supportive and amazing. Accept that not everyone is the world is going to like me and stop being a child about it. Maybe try to figure out where this need for acceptance is coming from. Maybe because I was teased big time when I was younger. I don't know. I just wish I could let things roll off my back & not affect me, you know? I want to step outside of my head, get some perspective, and just shake myself and say, "DANNI! It's not the end of the world - get over it!!"

Sorry to be such a debbie-downer today, and to get into such drama, and at the start of the week too! I'm sure we all have enough 'drama' in our life, you should be able to come here and have it be a drama-free zone ;) Well, here's to a lovely week and moving on. See you tomorrow with something more inspiring & most-definitely-drama-free. xo.

74 hello's:

  1. :( I know how that is! I definitely have days like that. Just make today better and all with be well!

  2. you're allowed to feel a little down in the dumps after such a gloomy day! Take some time for yourself, recharge, and come back when you need to:) You know we love you over here!

  3. I can SOOOO relate to your post. I've had similar situations with "friends" and have even been dumped with no clue as to what it is that i did (or didn't) do. But when I opened my eyes I realized that my world is filled with amazing people who wouldn't dump me, who are more like family than friends, and those are the people i'll focus my energy on. I hope this turns out to be an amazing week for you!

  4. Aww I hope Monday gets better! Sometimes a fresh start is all that you need. I definitely feel your pain with people issues ... I guess unavoidable at times ... but painful nonetheless. Hope your day is full of smiles !

  5. I'm sorry you had such a terrible day. Just remember it's a new day, and keeping your head up and staying positive will help you let go of everything bad. I lost a friend recently due to differences and I realize that I really don't need her in my life to begin with if she's going to treat me the way she did. I think this blog was a good way to start the week, and I hope you have a great day! *smile*

  6. wou...danni i passed already 3-4 time to see if you posted's like my daily post! because to me you are inspiration and just a normal american girlie! we always will find that kind of persons and i think your reaction just means that you have a BIG BIG heart and that's what count. It would have been worse if you wouldn't have cared at all about that person...! you'll get over it and just love you the way you are..there a too many who loose the childish side in their!:D

  7. Babe! Just leave it to God,Dani. You can never decipher the how and why. I am glad to hear that you are trying to accept the whole drama, it is such an important step to healing.Hugs**
    Cheer up!For the nonsense of life you have to put up with, you shall also have the love people shower you with!

  8. D'aw, I'm sorry you're having a rough time! Hang in there though--what do they always say? It's got to be during the dark times when you see the stars. :) And the fact that you are going through these conflicting feelings shows you are like everyone else!

    And I'm pretty sure the image is from, by Leah. She is awesome. :)


  9. Dear Danni,

    I think you're amazing and talented and inspiring. If someone you thought was a friend doesn't see that, they're not worth your time. Praying your day is all you hope it to be, friend.


  10. Aw, don't worry so much about it. We all have insecurities. I sometimes go through a phase where I feel like nobody likes me and I have no friends, etc. It takes my bestie reminding me that I'm a fun, great, bubbly person and that I have lots of friends to snap me out of it.
    Plus, usually the ones who don't happen to like us are usually jealous or something...our moms were on to something when they used to tell us that. If someone doesn't like you, that's their loss and their tough luck!
    Don't let their negativity drag you down to their level. Keep being the sweet girl you are! :)

  11. Sorry you had a bad day yesterday! I know EXACTLY how you feel about thinking someone is a friend and finding out they don't feel the same. I actually just deleted a few people from my facebook because of this reason. Seeing their page only ever made me feel bad so I got rid of them and it really helped. I guess sometimes we just don't click with people the way we want to.

    I hope you have a great Monday!

  12. I can relate! I've had a few bad days myself lately, but am finally feeling peace about everything. Hoping you start feeling better. I love the quote! It makes Monday seem a little bit easier!

  13. Sad! I hope after your 'me' day you are feeling better!

  14. feel better. i know how weeks (or days) like that can feel. currently finals here and you can feel the stress oozing out of everyone. just breathe and take it one day at a time. you're amazing and you just have to remember "you are loved!"

  15. Days like that are awful, and like you say we are all guilty of being dumb little kids at times. But you can learn from it, move on and be stronger. And all of your readers love you, I am assuming! Or else, why read? So there are over 6000 people who smile every time you blog, even when it's the suckish {let's pretend it's a word} stuff, because they can relate.

  16. ugh, I know the feeling. you will be fine! enjoy your day and things will get better!

  17. So sorry to hear about your sad day :( I know exactly how you feel, I'm currently going through the same exact thing. Except this friend is talking crap about me when I've done nothing to her! So so so rude and sad. I hope you have a better day today. Enjoy YOUR day<3

  18. I recognized the note right away and it is from one of m favorite sites:! You will love it!

    Liesl :)

  19. All I have to say is friends, YOU ARE THE BEST! Thanks for the encouraging words - The sun is shining and I really already feel better by your sweet words. Thank you, it means the world to me.

  20. Aw Danni, I can't imagine someone not wanting to be your friend. You seem like such a nice girl. I expect most people to like me as well, and find it a shock when they dont'. I hope you have the day that YOU need today.

    Here's a link to Leah's original post.

  21. The image is from:

  22. Hope you'll have a good day today :)

  23. At least a half of Your reaction probably came simply from being tired. Have a good rest and enjoy Your Monday :)

  24. aww danny. first of all: HUGS! :) :) We're one in the same because I am also a huge people pleaser. You feel like if you show love to everyone & bend over backwards & care about them, then of course, duh..they'd love you! why not, right?!! but sadly, some people are very opinionated & sometimes.... their opinion is just not to be our friend :( and even hurt us. a huuuuge lesson i've learned last year was discovered in Luke 22:2 "And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to put him to death, for they feared the people." "Him" was referring to Jesus. The Pharisees LIVED off of the reaction of people. How they prayed, how they loved (or lack of), how they criticized..and most of they wanted to put jesus to death. Obviously, it was from sin..but their fear of people exceeded that. I learned that fearing people... or..caring so much about what they think of us can lead us so astray. danny, you are such a loveable gal! so creative, very inspiring & have such a soft heart. and i'm just a blogger follower & i can see that already! :) so pay no mind to people like that. if you'd like to reconcile then do it, but my heart is to tell you not to "fear people," but just "fear God." as long as you are walking & living by His truth..then there's nothing you should be ashamed of. If anything, i feel SORRY FOR THAT PERSON because they missed out on such an admirable friend. I am so sorry that you had to be hurt & experience that..but because we can hope in the one who is PERFECT, i know that your spirit will be resilient :) shining brighter than before! hope that this encouraged you & know that everything i said was truly from love & my heart!...and also because we wear the exact same shoes. this is also my deepest struggle. THANK you for being transparent & not pretending that you have the most perfect life (even though i'm sure we all think that anyway haha). its so refreshing to see honesty in the blogger world. someone we can relate to. i know things will look up for you, dear! lastly, what's that person's name? we're gonna form a blogger mob & stone their house with cupcakes! hahahaha <3

    1 peter 2:4 "As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious.."

  25. Dani, I so understand. I have a deep need for acceptance too - and It's so hard for me to let things go when I care about everything so much.

    here is a quote that made me feel a little bit lighter last week

    "Perhaps the approval of every person in the entire world doesn't need to be the goal of your work." - Seth Godin


  26. I am so sorry Danni! I do the same thing and it is hard to get out of the funk once in it. I hope that you can have a good day today. Know that you are loved and that God will hold you through anything in life. :)

  27. well that just stinks! sorry someone had to treat you that way. I know how you feel though.

  28. Oh Dani! :( I hope your day gets better and I pray and hope that a little rain may make its way over to the OC to brighten you up! I'll be praying for you, your husband and that other person. You never know... God might just work a little miracle in their heart :)

  29. awe, that's lame! sorry that happened to you! but keep your head up :)

  30. awww that stinks!! sorry to hear that, friend! i hope that the rest of the week will just get better and better for you! xo

  31. I think I'm really similar to you in the way to want everyone to like you and can't understand how mean people can be at times. Things will get better. You are a beautiful and talented young lady with so much to offer the creative world :) That is a lot to be proud of yourself for!

  32. Danni: Don't worry about being a Debbie Downer; it tells me that you're human! :) Jesus never promised that we would be free from pain and hurts, so it's ok to feel the way you do. I can very much relate to your feelings. Just don't dwell on and brood over it too much. I hope your "mon day" will be fabulous and blessed. Thanks for your candor.

  33. Hello friend, remember you are loved :)
    and when situations like this happens not matter how much they suck at the end of the day we realize that it just makes us a stronger person and it reminds us of the people who really appreciate us.

    And don't worry there's no such thing as a marriage without fights.

    P.s: I Love your blog <3!!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Danni, I feel your pain!
    I am constantly trying "get on with it" I couldn't help but feel hurt when I found out I wasn't really a friend to someone I knew and thought was my friend. It really bothered and hurt me...and they were not very nice about the things they said as well. There are days when I let this very thing still get me down. I just have to remind myself that, I don't need the negative and I can't always please everyone, which is a struggle in it's own, :) But I am sure these are the things you already know.
    Just know that there are a lot of people who consider you a "friend" through this great blog of yours and who love your crafts! Chin up and spend your "Mon day" with a great cup of tea from tranquil tea lounge and peruse the brick basement to cheer you up! (thats where I head when I feel blue) :)
    p.s. I am sure Nick has already gotten over your fight :)

  36. I know those days. Those days are complete stinkersons. And it's true, we can't be best pals with everyone, and those who don't want to be your friend can just live their life, and you can live yours without them. You've got Nick, your family and God - and that's more than what a lot of people have, so you're definitely blessed!

  37. WHO wouldn't like you, Danni!? Nonsense! If there's anyone in this world who doesn't then they are missing a whole lot. I am glad you are taking a day for yourself. Go do all the things you love, pray, mend and give yourself a lovely day because you deserve it.
    God bless you dear friend.
    Love you and like you times a million.

  38. Danni--I know what ALL of that is like, too. I work full-time in youth ministry and run a photography business on the side. On top of that, my husband and I are newly who have been dating since HIGH SCHOOL, and yet we still manage to get into horrible fights. Just know that God is GOOD. He knows your heart, and you will be blessed if you simply continue to honor Christ in all you do--especially through the fight and bad days. Praying for you. -clarivel.ann

  39. I always sing this song to myself when I'm feeling sad or abandoned.

    Jesus, I adore Thee, Word of truth and grace/ Who in glory shineth Light upon our race./ Christ, to thee, surrendered, my whole heart is bowed,/ Alpha and Omega, Thou true Son of God. Taste and touch and vision to discern Thee fail./ Faith that comes by hearing pierces through the veil!/ I believe whate'er the Son of God hath told/ What the Truth hath spoken,that for truth I hold./ Word of God incarnate, Lord of life and light,/ Teach me how to love and worship Thee aright./ Holy Spirit, ever bide within my heart,/ Teaching They commandments, telling all Thou art./ Wondrous revelation, verity and grace/ Lo, in heaven's glory I see Thee face to face/ Light of endless light whom heaven and earth adore/ Fill me with Thy radiance, now and evermore. -Thomas Aquinas

  40. oh Dani, I'm sorry to hear this. It's definitely not fun when you are blindsided with something such as that. Hugs, hope you are feeling better today.

  41. Wow, so many of us can relate to your post -- and although it's always nice to hear that you're not the only one out there that has had a bad day, I know from personal experience, you ARE the only one feeling the precise heart ache that you're feeling because this is YOUR personal experience -- nobody can relate to it, no matter how hard they try. It's YOUR pain, and you deserve to feel it. Danni, you're HUMAN. You're allowed to feel down in the dumps and be mad at the world...there's nothing 'high school' about it. There's no rush to 'get over it' if you're not ready to.

    I hope that YourDay ends up being exactly what you need it to be... <3

  42. Girl, that load out will put anyone in a funk. First to get in and last to leave- always my motto. And just remember, you are amazing (totally a fact)!! Love that you are one of my first craft show friends. :)

    - Jackie

    P.S. I am sorry I tried to help you with your cart and totally made it worse- so dumb! haha

  43. hey danni--i always appreciate you sharing your thoughts! i love your honesty and vulnerability. we are so human and can only look to a higher power to get us through sometimes. prayers for you!

  44. Aww, if it is any consolation at all, knowing that you have days like this too makes me like you even more! It's good to know that even people who seem so perfect on their blogs do the exact same things I would do. I've been through the long, awful tear-down after shows and fought with my fiance and even been totally dissed by people who used to be my friend. You are pretty great for sharing this.

  45. Something so similar just like that happened to me too. After a week of obsessing and wondering & feeling left out and ostracized, I finally told myself that they weren't worth it. If they really wanted to be in my life, they would make it happen. People can be so cruel. Hope things are a little better now.

  46. aw,your such a sweetie!i'm sorry you had a bad day and cheers to better ones :)

  47. awww, danni, i understand how you feel about acceptance...and those feelings about high school--ugh! i always thought that once i was an adult, things would be so much different--and in a lot of ways, they are--but unfortunately, some people never grow up to do the right deserve more than that. i hope this week gets better :)

  48. I hate those days...I had a lot of crappy days in high school (don't we all?) that I still feel sneak up on me sometimes and make me feel awful.
    But I'm pretty sure you're awesome. Keep your chin up!

  49. you are right - we all have drama. Funks will come and go but,don't let it get you down. I'm sorry about your "friend" and I hope she'll come around and realize the truth.
    Here's to better days to come!

  50. danni! HUG! it would be anyone's privilege to be considered a friend of yours. i know for me personally, you have been nothing but kind, inspiring, encouraging, and all other things great, wonderful and beautiful! cheers to MYdays! and hope the rest of your week picks up! :)

  51. amen to that quote! I had a dumpy day today...thought I was doing some A+ work and some other people think i need to step it up. tomorrow's a new day.

  52. Awww that would totally traumatize me too! Hope your Monday was all kinds of better. :)

  53. Hi Danni! I wouldn't have known from seeing you yesterday that you were having a bad day. Your smile is so infectious that it makes me smile! I hope you were able to have some down time and just collect your thoughts and gain your calmness back! I'm praying for you friend :)

  54. huge hug, danni!! thank you for being genuine! i think it's really hard sometimes when work and friendships are intertwined. i always have the hardest time knowing who to trust. thanks for sharing this and take care of yourself! keep being you-- for real!

  55. well I certainly don't know what I can say that is kinder or more supportive than some of the others. It is sort of magical how easily a few words can hurt or heal. I hope that all of the kind words above serve to heal your aching heart. Bravo to you for deciding to pick yourself up and move on.

  56. Oh, no! Don't let her get to you. I know that's really hard to do and easier to say, but you truly have to believe it. People can put up a facade on the web, but YOU are true to yourself. Feel better!

  57. So sorry that you happened upon a bad weekend. Telling yourself to not let it bother you so much is a step in the right direction of not letting it bother you. :) Chin up the week will get better! xo

  58. New week! fresh start! YAY!! happy MONday! :)

  59. it's just normal to want to be accepted and liked by everyone. don't beat yourself up over it :)

    that person just sucks big time. you are bigger and better than him/ her.

  60. i'm almost certain that most of us go through this....even people that most of us imagine have it totally together - like you! it's hard to brush off, for sure.

    i'm not usually one to pimp my own blog, but some friends and i are actually addressing this with something we're calling The I Am Project. it's all about reminding ourselves of our own strength and affirming our own beauty as women. would love for you to take a peek!

    hope tomorrow is a better day! ox

  61. lots of hugs, friend. so sorry that you had to go through that. that is super lame - and so is that person.

    hope you get some good rest tonight!

  62. Awww...I'm sure most of all relate to what u said Danni.These moments one wonders whether to call them bitter sweet truths of life or plain "bitter"'s alright u knw..we all have some days where all we get to see are the greys, the dark colors, and just before we can turn around again....the sun shines bright to add a rainbow into our lives:) Hope your
    "Moi day" was good:)

    have a great day:Aakriti

  63. aw I'm so sorry you had to go through that. it's ok to vent because it lets us know we're not the only ones to have those 'blue' days. & I totally get about acceptance I wasn't teased in high school but I was kinda a loner so I get my feelings hurt when something goes wrong with friends or even acquaintances.

    here's to better days & know that you have readers, family, & friends who support & care about you always `=] take care

  64. Sorry to hear about your horrid day! I'm a huge people pleaser too so I can totally empathize. Continue to be the sweetheart that you are and good things will come to you. Take care! :)

  65. Danni, I'm so sorry to hear that! When I read your post this morning, your story broke my heart a bit, because I've definitely been there in the past. You are an amazing, talented woman and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to be your friend. The good news is that now you know and you can make sure you surround yourself with the good friends who will always be there for you. It's nice to know who they are. Happy Monday and have a peaceful week, friend!

  66. We all have rough days, my friend, so don't feel bad about feeling bad once in a while. And as for your arguement with your husband - this is normal, no relationship is perfect and it's good to be honest with one another and discussing issues/talking with each other is SO much better than not communicating with one another.

    Here's to a better day today. xo

  67. This sounds all too familiar, so I can definitely relate. At times I wonder why am I so sensitive to whatever other people's saying, and then I realized that the problem isn't me at all (or you) but the people who said these horrible things. Please remember that what they say is just a reflection of their own internal mental landscape. Maybe they're insecure about something, and they take it out on you. The world is hardly fair, but you're right - it's not the end of the world. Cheer up, and do something you love. :) Sending lots of love and light your way.

  68. Hope you are feeling better on YOUR day :)

  69. i think you are amazing! i hope you have a great week!

  70. Love it! Gives me a new perspective for Mondays.

  71. haha I like your image for Monday. Definitely puts a different spin on the Monday stigma.

  72. Hi, I read your comment from Kelly Kilmer about masking tape.
    I have a swap which was just posted on my blog.
    Thought you might interest in the swap.

  73. I'm really emotional about those kinds of things too! I hope Monday was much better though!

  74. Let go of that of which you have no control.
    Nurture what is meaningful. You, your husband and your faith in God.

    Every morning is the potential for another wonderfil day.


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni