May 30, 2011


memorial day.
To anyone who has served in the military, to those who have given their life for this country - Perhaps you have lost someone dear to you or even know a friend who has lost a loved one. Today, let us remember & honor those who have so bravely served this country and those who have fought for our freedom.

I personally don't have a lot of familiarity with military life - no one in my family has ever been in the military. The photos & videos you see on tv, I can't fully grasp what those families go through because I can't relate. I can only imagine. I know I often can take the freedom and comfort we are able to live in for granted, but today, let us recognize those who have fought and given us that freedom!


  1. This is such a sweet post honoring others...lovely!

    Liesl :)

  2. This memorial day is different for me, I guess because Tim knows quite a few people who have died in this war since his deployment last year, and it makes me really sad. Thanks for posting this Danni.

  3. Some heartbreaking pictures in honor of Memorial Day:

  4. A day of thinking beyoned self . . . for those that gave us the greatest gift of all.
    Much respect, honor and thanks to the human beings, the loved ones, the very special ones that did for others.

  5. Beautiful picture, and wonderful post. Thank you for being so thoughtful on this remembrance day.

  6. Last week, I went to this poetry/artist's night at a local bar. Most people read new poems or writings all based on a certain theme. One story was told by a Vietnam Veteran, about the first time he wasn't able to save a life. It was chilling and the most surprising part is that he remembers nothing about the incident -- most of what he told us he had to rely on a friend who was there to fill in his memory. More stories like his need to be told.

  7. I don't think we can ever say thank you enough to the brave men and women of our armed forces.


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