June 8, 2011

contributor post / decorating with found objects:

Ever heard of that old adage, One man's trash is another man's treasure?" It's the foundation of decorating with found objects. A set of old mason jars can be repurposed into a light fixture, just like a set of smooth stones or pebbles, flora or beach flotsam can be beautifully arranged in a terrarium or a curio case for display.

Some other ideas for found objects can be old furniture that can be reupholstered, old photos, and even shells. What you do with found objects is up to you and your imagination, but here is a little inspirational design to get you started:


Display Table (via)

This gorgeous display table and wall is filled with gorgeously arranged found objects: †a few green ceramic vases are artfully arranged in a cabinet while the rest of the table is adorned with a rusted metal pitcher, a clay pot, and a few jars and bowls.


Mason Jar Chandelier (via)

Here is an example of upcycling your found objects. Turn some old mason jars into a quirky chandelier.


Hanger Wall Art (via)

This home's designer cleverly arranged some old wooden hangers and a metal hanger forms on her wall. †What could have been garbage has been turned into art, of all things!


Decorated Vignette (via)

Craft and a sense of composition and a lot of little trinkets and found objects come together to create a beautiful vignette. To create the look, fill some hurricane glass jars with sand, rocks and flotsam, and arrange on a display table with your best collection of pebbles, twigs and twine.


Casey Diseno (via)

This is one purely ingenious! †If you still have some left over milk crates from your dorm-room days, group them together and repurpose them into a chandelier.


Apartment Therapy (via)

Here is an excellent example of displaying larger collections of found objects. None of these old desk clocks may work anymore, but this room's designer finds new purpose by arranging them into a pretty display on her nightstand. †She also displays found plastic dolls around her bedroom as well to accommodate her figurine table lamp, as you can see in the first photo.


Apartment Therapy - Market Place (via)

Can you believe these are the types of goodies people throw away every day?The dress form would look so chic in a walk-in closet, while the "Rooms for Tourists" sign would look cheeky over a guest bedroom.


Urban Paris NYC†(via)

Another pretty arrangement of found objects - a sea shell, a pile of old books and an empty mirror frame look unexpectedly beautiful here. The pile of worn books adds an interesting touch too.

Turn your found objects into decorative treasure by displaying your collections in curio cases arranging them on a display table. You can also repurpose or upcycle anything you've scavenged for, or found; it just takes a little bit of creativity and inspiration. Take a look around your house and have fun with what you find!

Content provided by Arcadian Lighting, a site that specializes in top quality lighting fixtures at extremely affordable prices. Come visit us today!


  1. I love the jar chandelier! Old jars have been added to my list of things I need! Lovely post.

  2. Love these collections! How inspiring! I am going to start looking more closely at the cast offs I see on the street!

    xo Mary Jo

  3. The canning jars and crates look tacky

  4. Danni,

    The post looks lovely. Thanks for letting us do a guest post on your blog.


  5. Love the jars, DON'T love the milk crates.

  6. Wow, looooove the crate lighting fixture! I am always looking for projects like these, I hope you're trying out a few!


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