June 10, 2011

happy friday / weekly wrap up:

Friday! Another week has come and gone. This week was a pretty great week. I got to see 3 dear blog friends (I call them blog friends because we met through blogging. But they are now just real life good friends!) Ruby, Jessica, and Lillian!

So yesterday I headed to Oceanside in the morning for a baking/thrifting date with Jessica! We attempted to make macarons.. Well, I just stood and watched. Jess did all the work cause she knows what she's doing ;) I will post more pictures later but let's just say they didn't exactly look and turn out how macarons should look. They tasted great though! We headed to an antique shop with Victoria and found lots of goodies.

Then I headed back to OC to meet Lillian so we could head to Venice for a summer social party at Urbanic! It's always a good time with Lillian, talking business and blogs, and updating each other on life.

the above image is ruby's!

On Wednesday, I got to see Ruby. I didn't bring a camera with me so I used Ruby's image above. I brought her some cakes, since she said she wanted some and I feel like a pregnant lady should definitely get what she wants ;) We had homemade pizza (I have such legit friends) and chatted it up. I played "store" with her true & brave. They are so smart! They ripped up little pieces of paper and had it be the money, haha. So clever. It was such a good time.

I probably drove a total of 340+ miles in 2 days, no joke. But it was well worth it to see friends! And the fun continues this weekend because Sunday is my sweet husband's 25th birthday! Can you believe we met when he was 19? That seems ages ago. I have some little things planned, it'll be a fun weekend.

Do you have any weekend plans? How the weather is where you are? It's going into the 2nd week of June and June gloom (isn't that a phrase?) has hit orange county.. I'm not complaining, I love gloom! But I feel like it should be hot and sunny or something. Well, hope you have a seriously awesome weekend. See you all on Monday!


  1. I'm so addicted to macaroons!!! Love to hear the recipe on Jess's blog, if she's willing to share! =)

  2. Thunder-stormy/humid here! I hope it'll be a fun weekend. I have no solid plans. :)

  3. YAYYY, I love hanging out with you! :) THANK YOU so much for driving - you're so awesome :)

  4. I love that you stay in such close contact with everyone. And I love that you bring sweets to them. Very thoughtful!

  5. these photos are so pretty! the object, the color! they could be amazing still life paintings!!

  6. Aww looks like so much fun! p.s. Next time you ladies head up to LA, give me a shout if you're not too busy :) I'd love to meet up with a couple of my favorite bloggers!

  7. As long as they taste good, it doesn't matter how they look. Btw, your pic of them looks good!

  8. Your "Happy Friday" blog today definitely made me feel happy! From the photos to the descriptions of your visits with your friends. I LOVE the flowers in the jar vase!

  9. i loved reading about your visit over at ruby's blog. you guys are so fun!

    weekend plans - time with my family. loving summer here in the south.

    happy weekend!!!!

  10. thanks for sharing your week! i am so looking forward to this Sunday for another day at the Rose Bowl Flea Market!

    Come stop by my space if you guys can!


  11. Happy weekend my darling friend! I so love you!

  12. That sounds really fun, Danni! I have enjoyed getting to meet and know new friends through blogging. You should visit the beautiful Indialantic, Florida because our weather is really nice right now! :)

  13. I love seeing you! We need to do it more often, especially now that I know I'll be leaving CA soon. Those cakes-were amazing! Tim ate Victoria's and said it was the best cake he ever tasted, and then wanted me to find the recipe, haha!

  14. Macarons are so difficult to make! It took me 5 tries to finally get them right!

    ...white Russian macarons. Yeah.


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni