June 7, 2011

our vintage sale:

Our sale with Found Rentals was pretty awesome! We sold a ton of stuff and thank you thank you thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported! It means a lot that you would take the time and come to our sale, we appreciate it deeply. I didn't take any photos of our last sale so I thought I better take some this time to share with you.

It was held at Jeni's old storage warehouse. It totally looked like it could be an actual pop up vintage shop or something.

I wish I remembered to take a picture after the sale because this section was pretty much empty afterward! Jeni sold almost all her amazing stuff!

I sold a lot as well and it was a blessing to just be able to sell stuff
and know it's going to good homes.

Okay, I really love letter and stamp sets so I
totally put dibs on this one, I love it!

We'll hopefully hold another sale again, they're just a lot of fun and it's nice to meet blog-friends and people with similar vintage tastes!


  1. AHHHH I wish I lived there!!!!!!

  2. I will definitely go next time! I'm glad you put pictures up of the stuff you have :) everything is so prettyyy

  3. This looks like the best sale ever!! Wish I could have enjoyed it!

  4. Look at all those goodies! What a fun sale!

  5. great stuff, love the photos.

    Im having a giveaway on my blog for a cute monogram french damask necklece... http://cassylately.blogspot.com/2011/06/monday-giveaway.html

  6. I'm so glad it went well for you guys! I'm loving my vintage wooden pant hangers - using them to hang posters and art! I would've chatted more but didn't want to bug you with it being so packed. :)

  7. Wow! So pretty. Garage sales here--well, car boot sales on Sunday mornings--aren't good=looking, so I'm living vicariously through this!

  8. So sad I live so far away...

  9. this looks like SO much fun. i adore the watches!!

    ~Andrea @ http://hecallsmewifey.blogspot.com/

  10. wow! looked fantastic! wish i lived close, i'd be there in a heartbeat! xx

  11. It looks great! I wish I had been able to go.. maybe next time!


  12. I WISH I could have been there! Looks like SO many great finds! Thanks for posting pictures :)

  13. How fun! I bet everyone who went there felt so loved and inspired by you.

  14. So sad I missed it! I must have missed that post and I would have definitely gone. Please do another one soon! Glad it went well for Jeni, though!

  15. Wow, looks like you had some amazing stuff there. Love the photos!

  16. Best garage/vintage sale EVER!

  17. Oh! I see soooo many things I would love to have! Wish you were closer :)

  18. oh i wish i could have been there! must have been awesome!

  19. ahhh! i wish i lived there so bad!!!! i would have bought everything haha thanks for the photos!

  20. All those LETTERS!!! Wish I lived where you are, I would have scooped those up!

  21. Oh how I wish I could have been there! Looks amazing:)

  22. Oh what fun! I wish I could have been there to join in on the fun and browsing all the great vintage items!!! I love finding new and unique things!

  23. well.....i am furious i don't live close to you.
    that looked like an AMAZING sale!!!

  24. umm.. what state did this take place? I think I would have bought just about everything there...

  25. This looks really neat. Love the photo's wish I was talented :p

  26. Awesome sale, wish I had arrived sooner! I got some great stuff from your last two sales to use as decor/props for my upcoming wedding. Can't wait 'til the next one!

  27. AMAZING sale! i could only imagine how many fabulous finds were there to be found!

  28. WOW, what great finds, too bad I live so far away.

  29. Wow, judging by the few price tags I can see, vintage stuff is a lot more affordable over there than it is here in London! I only wish I could've gone and snapped up a few of those items :)

  30. Ughh, I am kicking myself for convincing myself I was too busy to come! Never again...haha

  31. I wish I lived around the corner from you, I would have brought all your stuff! So many great finds particularly the old pocket clocks!! Love, Love, Love Vintage!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Lovely sale. So much neat stuff up for grabs. I could have spent a fortune there. Shame we don't get much of this kind of stuff here in the UK.

  34. It was lovely to meet you at the sale, Danni! Your blog is so inspiring! Thank you for blessing so many people by pointing out beautiful things around us. Have a wonderful weekend!

  35. I wish I lived close!! I'm hunting down deals and great finds for my wedding in November! :( You should do an online yard sale!? no?

  36. This looks so awesome! Thank you for the Aug. 13 invite. Wish I could make it. I would love to participate in the next one though!!



Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni