June 8, 2011


A random assortment of things I am swooning over today.

I want to have a party & use sparklers.
image source unknown, please message if you know it!

if I had a backyard like this, I'd be outside a lot more! from design sponge

macaron chart! found via hinydesign

love these business card designs from funnel.tv & graphic-exchange.com

swooning over pretty cupcakes from emmaline bride

little adventure kit found at black eiffel
I love kits!

pink rainbow cake from call me cupcake

I am really liking this phrase, lately I've been feeling this a lot, just in life, dealings with people, etc.. from baum-kuchen

I've always wanted a secret passage door! via cococozy.com

Vintage letters - swoon! Found via pinterest

Leave it to martha to have a pretty brilliant Twine Dispenser


  1. If I design a house I 'd create a secret passage door. It is so funny !

  2. swooning along with you!
    have just offered to make a cake for the weekend...and for 30 seconds thought I might try the shaded one.
    What on earth was I thinking? i struggle to make a regular sponge!
    fee x
    (love kits too)

  3. I think it might be 'macaron' and not 'macaroon.' Macaroons (with two o's) tend to be the coconut meringue cookie, while a French macaron is the almond meringue sandwich cookie.

  4. I love sparklers! Wish they lasted longer than ten seconds. =( How cool would it be to have the secret door?! I love the set up. Sometimes cupcakes can be so beautiful they are difficult to eat. haha

  5. omg those rose cupcakes are amazing!! and here I am in a city with no cupcakes! well guess a muffin will do. :)

  6. Oh these pictures are lovely! I'm especially liking the macaron chart and those pretty cupcakes!

  7. That outdoor area is so cool. Some people are just so creative! I love the twine dispensers too.

  8. Those cupcakes are making me want to have a party!

  9. Now you got me swooning too!

  10. My sister is having sparklers at her wedding next weekend...I'll light one for you!

  11. My sister is having sparklers at her wedding next weekend...I'll light one for you!

  12. love the cupcakes which look like roses! awesome:)


  13. I love the adventrue kit! How awesome would it be to receive one in the mail!

  14. I love that little adventure kit too, but I can't seem to click on the link?

  15. i love these!! especially the sparklers and the pink layer cake!! i've been meaning to bake a colored layer cake for so long and i've seen so many photos of them, but this one is the prettiest!

    ~Andrea @ http://hecallsmewifey.blospot.com/

  16. Love the cupcakes! Makes me want to dress up and have a tea party!

  17. Swoon indeed! So many goodies over here. I love the door, the cupcakes, that cake, and those macarons!

  18. so many wonderful things!
    love the secret passageway...and i can't wait for summer sparklers!

  19. I was just at a wedding where the bride & groom walked between two lines of giant sparklers as they left to get in a carriage.It was really cool! (unfortunately some people misbehaved and safety became an issue. Anyone considering this should debrief the sparkler-holders beforehand to make sure all goes smoothly.)

    Love your swoon-worthy finds! :)

  20. the hammock and that backyard are perfection! i would love to spend a day just lounging out there!

  21. what a cute backyard!!! i would want one like that, too.

  22. Love these pictures! The secret door is amazing.

  23. I love sparklers! So many wonderful things!

    Homeowner Insurance

  24. I say "it is what it is" all the time!

  25. That twine dispenser is GENIOUS!

  26. That secret passage door is so beautiful and possibly the coolest thing you can have in a house.

  27. I love your Blog. It has such a wonderful collection of different things.


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