Voucher Deal: $15 for $30 voucher to use on anything from CalviRee!
Retail Price: $30
Good Cheer Price: $15

(Note: If you are using google reader, button may not appear)

- Number of vouchers available: 10
- To redeem voucher: select the items you'd like purchase, proceed to checkout, and select "other" as your payment option. In the "Note to Seller" box, include "oh, hello friend 12 days of cheer voucher promotion" If you exceed your voucher amount, a Paypal invoice will be sent to you for the remaining amount.
- This deal is open to all countries and voucher may be used toward shipping costs
- Voucher is good for 3 months from purchase date
- To give everyone the opportunity to buy a deal, please only purchase 1 deal per person.
- To purchase this deal, simple click on the 'buy now' button.
Use your paypal account to complete transaction.
- If the 'buy now' button is no longer working, it means the item is sold out.
i love your blog and this is such a great deal! i always appreciate being directed toward quality etsy stores. however, i just wanted to point out that paypal/whoever is trying to charge me $5.00 for shipping, which would bring the total cost to $20. so will the online voucher be worth $20 all said and done? or will i get free shipping from calviree since i've already paid the $5.00 via paypal? thanks and happy holidays!!
ReplyDelete@emily Hi Emily! I have messaged the seller and will try to fix the button asap, it shouldn't be showing up at $20, just $15. :) Thanks for your support!
ReplyDeleteAnd so what happens if I purchased it for $20?
ReplyDeleteAlso, when I try to go through and "pay" for my item, there is no "other" options as to your instructions.