Happy Friday / how I organize:

March 30, 2012

This is how I keep it all together. a simple notebook, where all my random thoughts and to-do lists get written down. Well, I wouldn't say I am a super organized person but things need to get written down and so I have a notebook to do keep it all together.

Remember this tape notebook I blogged about last year? Around Christmas time, it just disappeared! I was convinced elves took it. But it probably just got lost in the abyss of my endless junk.. ;) I was a little lost without it. So I had to move on and create another notebook. I picked this notebook up from a vendor at Renegade Craft - it's made with an old book cover. I always have to have a notebook. It was just something I started out of high school, writing things down and everything - I shared my collection of notebooks I've kept ever since if you want to see past notebooks.

Endless to-do lists. I like lists. There's something so great about just a simple pen & highlighter (to cross things off when they're done!) Sometimes if something isn't written down that I get done, I'll add it just so I can cross it off ;) (tell me there is someone else out there who does this too!)

I stuck a few vinyl decals with simple sayings that I often need to remember. What about you? How do you stay organized? Notebooks? Phone/Computer? Keep it all in your head? (I'd say that's impossible unless you are way legit)

Anyway, I know I don't usually do links but here are some I stumbled across this week that I thought I'd share :)

>> Kern me - a kerning game for designers, actually pretty addicting - what's your score? ;)

>> Great article by Rena Tom - "Doing less to get more done"

>> Another awesome article about creating a social media strategy over at papernstitch.

>> oh, hello friend events page has been updated - Vintage sale next month (rsvp now!) and Nick & I are headed Renegade - Austin in May!

>> Don't forget to enter the September Willow Giveaway!

Nick worked late pretty much all this week so this weekend we are just taking it easy and spending time together to make up for the missed evenings ... I can't believe March is already over! Hope you have a fantastic weekend friends. See you on Monday. xo.

36 hello's:

  1. I think simple little insights like this are really interesting as they reveal all the tips and techniques which make people you admire the way they are. It's behind the scenes stuff. It's great. Thanks for sharing. I have a notebook for ideas and concepts I want to make art about, then a big drywipe note board for housework stuff and then I keep pin boards on Pinterest for any visual prompts or ideas on things I want to remember. It's so handy. I get so much done these days.

  2. Having a daily notebook is a great idea! I currently use the post it/scrap piece of paper system. Just makes my desk and monitor look like a piece of bad paper art! Must try the notebook idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love your notebook! I am doing mine this way now, just using plain lined notebook and adding things and tape to it. I tried everyway possible and nothing worked, I was just jotting things down in a notepad anyways so I just keep it simple now. And YES ! I have wrote things down just to cross it off! haha! (do you smell your new pages as well? LOL)

  4. I use a bright red moleskine notebook. And I do in fact write things in that I've already done and then immediately highlight them in yellow. It's so satisfying to see it there - proof that I accomplished someting!

    Have you played I Shot the Serif yet? It's totes addicting.

  5. I used to do this, but got super lazy. And all my friends made fun of me for not using an electronic device. I'd take out my daily planner and they'd be like, "whoa! Is this 1999?"

  6. I used to do this, but got super lazy. And all my friends made fun of me for not using an electronic device. I'd take out my daily planner and they'd be like, "whoa! Is this 1999?"

  7. You are not alone in writing things down just to cross them off! I often write things down in my planner and then also on a sheet of paper! (a little ocd maybe!) There's just something so rewarding about crossing things off :)

  8. That kerning game is so fun! Oh, I do that thing too, where you put something you did on your to-do list just to cross it off. ;)

  9. Yes! I totally write things down on my to-do lists that I've already completed just so that I can check it off. Oh boy. It's nice to know I'm not alone :)

  10. I love this!!! I've always kept a notebook like this too, but it's so wonderful how you have personalized it and made such a necessary part of the day/life beautiful. Would you ever consider making notebooks like this to sell? I would totally buy one!!

  11. Thanks for a great post. I love seeing how other people get organized. It's a great way to rethink my own organization strategy.

  12. Ha! I do the crossing things off thing too! Glad I'm not alone. Love, love writing, writing lists and keeping notebooks. I can't think without a pen in my hand! x

  13. Your notebook is too cute! I love it. I also do the write it down just to cross it off, doesn't everybody? ;)

  14. Even though I consider myself a tech-savvy person, I have to have my planner. There's something about crossing things off my list that make me happy. Your notebook is too cute!

  15. I love notebooks.

    I have a little blue daytimer one I use to keep track of everything. My mother has remarked how it's "Iris's iPhone". I don't think I'll be switching anytime soon. I like the feeling of writing things down/planning my day on paper and checked them off when they get done. :)

  16. I LOVE this organizer. I wish I actually did this sort of thing. I'm so reliant on my iPhone now that it's hard to get motivated to use paper. Thanks for all the links!

    - Sarah
    A Girl In Transit

  17. I NEED a notebook like this! Also, I am absolutely the kind of person who will write something I already accomplished that day on a list JUST to cross it off...you are not alone!

  18. This is super cute and creative. I have a notebook but it's boring looking and no fun so it gets tossed under my bed and ignored most of the time. I should spruce it up and maybe I'll use it more often ;). Loved reading this!

    Lacey @ lovely-21

  19. Such a cute scrapbook notebook!


  20. LOVE this. I do the same with my Gratitude Journals :)

  21. Your notebook is so pretty! I love the be productive pocket. I stay organized the same way, to-do list apps just don't do it for me.

    Kindness is the best accessory,

  22. Love your notebook! I am working on getting organized right now. I like how you use the notebook for lists and a calendar.

  23. Your notebook is super inspiring - my problem is that I usually have too many notebooks :D
    I rec'd that stamp in the first photo just this week and it MADE my week! I love :)

  24. "Sometimes if something isn't written down that I get done, I'll add it just so I can cross it off." Oh, yes, I do the same... And I am not crazy! ...just a little bit obsessed :D

  25. Sharing your notebooks was such an inspiration for me! Glad to know there are others who enjoy quirky little things such as adding a task to only cross it off the list right away! No harm in that!! Reading the comments made me smile, too!
    Thank you for the link to the Kern Me site. What fun to play with the letter spacing! Kind of "freeing" just to take time for something FUN!! Wow! One never knows where the internet will lead!
    Sweet Springtime blessings.......~Sandie

  26. hahah you are NOT the only one who adds stuff to a list just to cross it off! I do too! :) it's a good feeling :)

  27. Love your organizer!! So cute and inspirational. Thanks for sharing. :)

  28. I'm totally guilty of putting tasks on my to-do lists, after I've done them, just to be able to mark them off. So gratifying! ;)

  29. I have a mini notebook (or 3) for everything from daily lists to shopping lists. And yes, I too write down things after I have done them, just so I can cross them off! =)

  30. ohhhh love your notebook!! I want you to make one for me :) Loving your blog as always

  31. Hi Danni! I keep a Moleskine notebook where I jot down timelines and ideas. But I also use TeuxDeux which is an online to-do list and I love it. But I will agree the best thing about these lists is being able to cross something off. I do exactly what you do ALL the time. If I finish something I forgot to write down, I will write it down first and then cross it off. It feels so much better that way. ;)

  32. what a great inspiration! Such a beautiful creative idea - i love notebooks and everything creative.
    Love it!

    Much love

  33. I love this idea so much!! I think it is so worth it to make an inspiring planner that encourages you instead of stressing you out! Thank you for inspiring me to make my own and inspire myself instead of stress.

    Casey Lynn

  34. Lists will save the world! :-) (And I too add things to mine just so I can cross them off).

    I help people all over the world declutter and create homes they love (http://www.mygreenandtidylife.co.uk). Organising stuff is closely related to organising time and I train my clients to make 'to do' lists and to schedule their time so as to increase their productivity.

    List-makers of the world unite! :-)

  35. I love this! You've inspired me to make some improvements to my notebook system, which as it is, is not working very well. And you make it look so nice, too.


Friends, Thank you so much for reading + supporting my blog, and for taking the time to leave me a comment. Your comment support truly means so much to me. Have a lovely day! xo, danni